
Where can I buy?

HUP Competition Cycling products are only available from a very select group of official retailers worldwide. Any retailer not on the list below, will be fake... Online retail sales: HUPcc...

Where can I buy?

HUP Competition Cycling products are only available from a very select group of official retailers worldwide. Any retailer not on the list below, will be fake... Online retail sales: HUPcc...

Sizing Guide: frames, components & clothing

Take a look at the Sizing Guide for HUPcc...

Sizing Guide: frames, components & clothing

Take a look at the Sizing Guide for HUPcc...

About Us

How the company started and the Belgian connection...

About Us

How the company started and the Belgian connection...

Contact Us

If you wish to contact HUPcc, please use the following email addresses...

Contact Us

If you wish to contact HUPcc, please use the following email addresses...

Easy Returns

HUPcc offer a very helpful and hassle-free returns policy...

Easy Returns

HUPcc offer a very helpful and hassle-free returns policy...

Worldwide Delivery

We have Delivery on all orders worldwide

Worldwide Delivery

We have Delivery on all orders worldwide